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Submit Your Application from April 2nd to April 16th
The next e-Candidat campaign is opening soon! You will be able to submit your application online from April 2nd to April 16th, 2025.

Application Submission: April 2nd to April 16th, 2025

Level test: only for candidates applying for the DU FLE whose eCandidat files are selected (date to be determined).

Application Feedback: Starting June 6th, 2025

Stay connected ! Click here for more information and start preparing your application today.
The F.Et.E Department Team !


Radio Project: "Voix sans frontières" Show with ALIGRE FM

The podcasts of the shows recorded between November 27 and December 3, 2023, are available by clicking HERE.
They are called Frank, Sebitha, Kourosh, Kateryna, Beshr, Masud, Khadidja, Christina, Jones, Tariq, Tasir, Mohamed, Oksana, Melo, Farahmand. They come from Colombia, Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, Congo, Ghana, Iran, and Sri Lanka. All of them are enrolled in the DU PASSERELLE at the University of Nanterre to learn French and integrate into a bachelor’s program, sometimes related, but not always, to their previous education. Because wandering is not an identity, Aligre FM gives them the microphone for a week and invites you to listen to the stories, projects, views on life, and perspectives on the world of these men and women from elsewhere. This thematic week is the first part of a project in partnership with the DU PASSERELLE at the University of Nanterre.
For more information and to follow the adventures of these students, here are the social media links for real-time updates:
Link to Facebook profile
Link to Instagram
Link to Twitter (X)

The F.Et.E. department team

Labeled department

"The department in the spotlight in the Journal Point Commun!"
We're delighted to share an exclusive article in the latest issue of our university newspaper, Point Commun. The article highlights our department's recent award of the prestigious Qualité FLE label. Discover exclusive details of this exceptional recognition awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Go behind the scenes of the rigorous audit process and explore the perspectives of our co-directors, Stefania Cubbedu-Proux and Charlotte Foucaut, on the importance of this label for our establishment. Read the full article in the latest issue of Point Commun to find out more about this remarkable achievement, which demonstrates our commitment to excellence in teaching French as a foreign language (FLE). Active training with immersion outings in Paris, Nanterre and the University; with digital supports such as the coursenligne platform.

Please join us in celebrating this distinction, which reinforces our determination to offer quality teaching and an exceptional learning environment to our international students.

The entire team at the French for International Students (FETE) department welcomes you.


Updated on 28 mars 2025